Domestic Assault Issues
Domestic assault can have serious and far reaching effects on families of all types, and from all backgrounds of society. The damaging influence of being a member of a family where there is a standard set for violence in the home, is felt throughout life in the form of an inability to manage one's own affairs, fear of relationships and commitment, and the potential to become a violent transgressor in deference to either a parent or sibling who set the example when you were younger.Many times domestic assault arises because of a simple lack of communication in the home, and a misunderstanding of how to handle and direct anger when it is felt as an emotion. A clearer understanding and some key tools for handling anger are typically a good start to helping heal the family unit, and eventually helping to reunite the members into a more healthy environment shared together.
There are situations however, where domestic assault is a result of drug or alcohol abuse and the violent behavior that often accompanies their use. If this is the situation, seek immediate intervention for yourself and any children that share the home with you in the form of drug or alcohol counseling, family support, or detoxification programs to help you put your life back together, and protect your loved ones from any harm that you may do to them and later regret.
It is only too easy to lose your temper and cause serious, irreparable harm to the people you love in a moment of heated temper or aggression. Husbands and wives have died, harmed their children, and themselves, only to calm down later and be crushed and devastated by their actions against their loved ones. There is no other way to combat domestic violence than by opening yourself to counseling for the issues that are driving you to behave violently in the first place.
If you are brought before the court on criminal charges for domestic assault, you will not only be sentenced to jail time in most instances, but will also be required to attend to the issues beneath the aggression and anger and seek help for yourself. Don't wait until you need the services of a criminal defense attorney to preserve your right to freedom, if you are prone to domestic violence, seek help immediately.
If you have questions about this posting or are interested in Criminal Defense, Divorce, or Immigration Law in RI contact Rhode Island Criminal Defense Lawyer John E. MacDonald at 401-421-1440.
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