Thursday, July 7, 2011

Computer and Internet Crimes

Computer Crime

Computer Crime may encompass such activities as gaining unauthorized or unlawful access to a computer; changing or stealing information from a computer; contaminating or otherwise introducing a foreign program or destructive process to a computer system; using encryption or a computer to defraud or commit a crime; altering email information regarding computer sources and IP addresses; and using an information service from a pay provider without permission.

In addition to these strictly computer related criminal offenses, there are any number of activities one may engage in while online that would also be considered computer related crimes, though without the use of a computer, would simply be labeled as criminal offenses anyway.

Some of these kinds of crimes include Internet child pornography and various crimes involving sexual predators, all kinds of Internet piracy, cyber-based terrorism, and computer hacking or intrusions, among many others.

In order to understand the severity of these kinds of criminal activity, you must remember that these crimes are treated with the same diligence as non-computer related similar crimes are; just because the Internet has acted as a buffer-zone, does not make the activity any less illegal. In fact, in most Internet related criminal matters, the involvement of the FBI and CIA is almost a natural expectation, since these crimes can be considered global in nature and are bound to affect more than a few local people in their commission.

There is, however, still the possibility for grave errors and mistakes in judgment when it comes to pinpointing and located the perpetrators of many Internet crimes. The procedure is not foolproof, and much like the use of DNA evidence, has its limitations. At no time should you discuss anything, other than your name, with any Federal Agent who may question you regarding your involvement in computer related or Internet crimes without the advice and counsel of an experienced criminal defense attorney.

If you have questions about this posting or are interested in Criminal Defense, Divorce, or Immigration Law in RI contact Rhode Island Criminal Defense Lawyer John E. MacDonald at 401-421-1440.

To learn more about The Law Office of John MacDonald, please visit his website at

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