Wednesday, August 1, 2012

RI Stalking Penalties

Rhode Island Stalking Penalties

A first-offense <strong>stalking</strong> conviction is a misdemeanor that may lead to fines up to $500 in addition to imprisonment of no more than one year. A second offense stalking conviction is a felony which may include up to ten years imprisonment and up to $10,000 in fines.

Long-Term Effects

The long-term effects of a stalking conviction go beyond criminal punishment and may remain on your record for the rest of your life if you are not eligible for an expungement. Criminal offenses on your record make it difficult for employers to hire you and nearly impossible for you to gain entry into the fields of education, medicine, or law.

Defending a Stalking Charge

Defending a stalking charge in court can be challenging due to the fact that very little evidence is necessary to obtain a conviction. Evidence may consist of little more than eye-witness testimony; which may be enough to convince a jury even without physical evidence.

If you have recently been arrested and charged with criminal stalking in Rhode Island, contact Criminal Defense Attorney John E. MacDonald at (401) 421-1440 for a free consultation and more information.

To learn more about John MacDonald, please visit his website at

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