The laws in the State of Rhode Island are very clear on sexual assault and what constitutes the various degrees of sexual assault.
Unless you are an attorney however, you have no way of knowing how to deal with a sexual assault accusation.
It is vital that you hire an experienced criminal defense attorney if you have been accused or are being investigated for any kind of sexual assault. You may be tempted to try to handle the situation on your own, particularly if you're innocent of any wrong-doing.
There are several reasons why hiring an attorney first is the safest and most secure way to assure that you are dealt with fairly, and that the investigation is done properly without undue influence by the investigator. The main reason is that your attorney will be able to act as a liaison for you and law enforcement so that you don't say or do anything that could be taken in the wrong way.
Even people who are innocent of wrong-doing can make grave errors in judgment in such a stressful situation, and say things that could be taken out of context and used against them. Investigators are trained to recognize various facial expressions and speech inflections and may use anything you say against you at a later time.
If you are faced with having to listen to and respond to an investigator, listen quietly and tell them that you will need to talk to your attorney before you can answer any of their questions. If you do not already have an attorney, you need to contact one immediately.
RI Criminal Defense Attorney John E. MacDonald has extensive experience defending sexual assault cases of all kinds and can provide you with the highest quality legal representation.
If you have questions about this post or are interested in Criminal Defense, Divorce or Immigration Law in RI contact Rhode Island Criminal Defense Attorney John E. MacDonald at 401.421.1440.
To learn more about John MacDonald, please visit his website at
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