Second Degree Child Molestation Lawyer John E. MacDonald
We hear about Child Molestation from time to time in the news but do we know what it means? Child Molestation is a term with a broad meaning of indecent or sexual activities between an adult and child under fourteen. We are all aware that Second Degree Child Molestation is illegal but in Rhode Island it means for an adult to touch a child with "lewd and lascivious" intent regardless of whether or not the child has given their consent. Because of a rise of second-degree child molestation charges in the United States, it is important that if you are even accused or under investigation that you contact an RI Criminal Defense Lawyer.
Second Degree Child Molestation Facts
Unfortunately, the Justice Department has reported that one in seven boys and one in four girls will be victims of sexual abuse before they turn eighteen. Abuse of children takes a many great form including touching a children's sexual organs, physical, sexual contact, fondling, and many other lascivious acts. Second Degree Child Molestation is the more seriously punishable area of child molestation. The punishment for these crimes varies depending on several factors. The first and most important factor in these types of cases is whether or not the person accused of Second Degree Child Molestation had a relationship with the child in question. The other main factor involved is whether or not the touching occurred over or underneath the clothes. The punishments for a someone who did not know the child and touched them above the clothes is up to three years in prison. If in the same scenario the person felt the child underneath the clothes that penalty increases to three to eight years in jail. If the child and the defendant have a close relationship such as a family member touching them over their clothes is punishable by three to eight years. If in the same situation the touching occurred under the clothes it is punishable by seven to twelve years.
Contacting A RI Criminal Defense Lawyer
Obviously, the punishments for these types of crimes are severe and can lead to lasting criminal sentences. If you believe that you are under investigation for a second-degree child molestation case or, have been arrested it is imperative that you contact an RI Criminal Defense Lawyer immediately. At the Law Office of
Second Degree Child Molestation Lawyer John E. MacDonald we specialize in all manners of sex crimes. We understand the need for discretion and a quick case. If you would like to contact us for a free consultation we are available at any time at 401-421-1440.
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