Rhode Island Child Molestation
It is a most unfortunate reality that there are an average of 150-300 cases of child-molestation reported in the state of Rhode Island each year. Child Molestation falls under the category of Child Abuse, which is defined as endangering the physical or mental health of a child via excessive, or harmful punishment, sexual exploitation, neglect, or abandonment.
If you or anyone you know have information regarding the possible abuse of a child in the state of Rhode Island, you are legally required to immediately contact The Department for Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) at (401) 528-3502.
Accusations and Convictions
Due to the seriousness of child abuse crimes, penalties in most states are severe, and even being implicated or accused of child molestation is enough to drastically change your life forever, even if you are completely innocent. A child abuse or child molestation charge on your record will undoubtedly affect your chances of gaining employment, especially if you intend to work around children, or as a public official.
What constitutes Child Molestation?
Child molestation has many forms, most typically of which include direct sexual contact such as touching, rubbing, or groping in a lewd or lascivious manner. However there are many more forms of child molestation that often accompany the most common forms of abuse. Some of these forms of sexual child abuse include:
・ Indecent verbal contact
・ Indecent written contact such as texts, emails, or letters
・ Video taping a child in a lewd or lascivious manner
・ Photographing a child in a lewd or lascivious manner
・ Using a child for financial gain via prostitution
Penalties for Child Molestation
The state of Rhode Island does not treat the crime of child abuse or child molestation lightly, and has mandated severe punishments for those convicted of the crime. First degree child molestation convictions carry a minimum of 6 years in prison, and a maximum of 30 years. Second degree child molestation convictions carry a minimum of 25 years in prison, and a maximum of life. Indecent soliciting of a child will result in a minimum of 5 years imprisonment.
Have you or your loved ones been accused of Child Molestation?
Because of the dangers involved with being accused of child molestation, you can not afford to waste precious time that can be used to build your defense. There are many individuals that are falsely accused every year, and are in some cases; wrongly convicted. Regardless of whether or not you are guilty, everyone deserves a legal defense.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you have questions about this posting or are interested in Criminal Defense, Divorce, or Immigration Law in RI contact Rhode Island Criminal Defense Lawyer John E. MacDonald at 401-421-1440.
To learn more about The Law Office of John MacDonald, please visit his website at AggressiveLegalServices.com.
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