Friday, April 13, 2012

Sexual Assault Convictions

Sexual Assault Convictions

While nearly all crimes may result in a mark on your record, being convicted of a sexual offense may come with particularly grievous consequences which may remain for the rest of your life.
Sex crimes are among the most serious offenses and carry mandatory sentences in many states. Sex crimes may not always include rape, and or molestation, however serious consequences may result even from careless verbal or written communication, or physical contact.
The definition of sexual assault may vary from state to state, but the term covers a series of universal offenses, and generally includes any assault of a sexual nature, such as touching or groping another individual without consent.

Sadly, one of the most common forms of sexual assault is perpetrated against children in the form of child molestation. Other forms of sexual assault include rape, incest, obscene phone calls or even unwanted online chat messages.

The key to defining sexual assault is the absence of consent.
If you have questions about this posting or are interested in Criminal Defense, Divorce, or Immigration Law in RI contact Rhode Island Criminal Defense Lawyer John E. MacDonald at 401-421-1440.

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