Thursday, December 30, 2010

Vote against DREAM act unfair and misunderstood

In a recent article dealing with the immigration related DREAM act, the entire process was outlined for what would be faced by anyone seeking citizenship in the United States. It seems that as usual, many have misunderstood the language of the act, and have voted unfairly against it in perpetuation of ideologies that need to be reviewed and revisited in favor of the overall desire that people be unified, rather than divided.

The current DREAM act states that children who were brought here by their parents, and who are currently either enlisting in the armed forces, or are students, be allowed to stay under certain strict guidelines only.

The students or soldiers would be allowed to remain in the country either to serve or attend college for two years under a ten year conditional non-immigrant, temporary, status. At the end of the ten year term, they would be eligible to apply for permanent residency, green card, status. And then, after some 13 odd years, would they be allowed to begin applying for naturalization; which can take years on top of that.

The general consensus is that these children would be a bridge somehow for their parents to gain access, or petition for citizenship on their behalf. This is sadly not the case, as any parent who was found to have unlawfully entered the United States would be barred from the US for ten additional years, while required to go back to their own country.

The laws in this area are strict and difficult to understand, and require the assistance of someone well versed in immigration law. If you are facing an immigration situation in the United States, contact an experienced immigration attorney immediately for help.

If you have questions about this posting or are interested in Criminal Defense, Divorce, or Immigration Law in RI contact Rhode Island Criminal Defense Lawyer John E. MacDonald at 401-421-1440.

To learn more about The Law Office of John MacDonald, please visit his website at

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