Friday, January 27, 2012

What to Expect If You are Charged With a Sexual Assault Crime

Rhode Island Sexual Assault

Regardless of whether or not you have committed a crime, being arrested is a very stressful and unsettling experience. Being charged with a sex crime is even more unsettling, as there are several possible outcomes that will have a seriously detrimental affect on you for the rest of your life.

Sexual assault is defined differently depending upon the state in which the charges are brought.

Generally, it encompasses any assault on another individual that is of a sexual nature, and that is done without consent.

What constitutes a sex assault is determined by the laws of the jurisdiction where the crime takes place. These crimes can include child sexual abuse, rape, attempted rape, incest, exhibitionism, voyeurism, obscene phone calls, fondling, and sexual harassment. The absence of consent is what defines sexual activity as an assault.

A guilty verdict for any form of sexual assault may result in serious fines, registration as a sexual offender, and possibly lengthy prison sentences depending upon the seriousness of the crime.
Immediately after charges are brought forward law enforcement will arrest you. You will be read your rights and handcuffed. There are few exceptions to being handcuffed, not even for the disabled or elderly. You will be searched and have any unauthorized items confiscated and placed in a property vault. It is important to note that any illegal items found in your possession will most certainly add to the charges against you.

You will be transported to the county jail where you will then be fingerprinted, photographed, and examined by a medical practitioner if necessary. Once this is over, you will be issued a jumpsuit, footwear, and escorted to a holding cell.

If you have questions about this posting or are interested in Criminal Defense, Divorce, or Immigration Law in RI contact Rhode Island Criminal Defense Lawyer John E. MacDonald at 401-421-1440.

To learn more about The Law Office of John MacDonald, please visit his website at

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