Friday, August 3, 2012

Stalking in Rhode Island

Rhode Island Stalking Crimes

The crime of Stalking in Rhode Island, like all crimes, can have dire consequences for those charged or convicted. Stalking is a crime that you can be charged with even if it was not your intention to stalk someone. It can be committed a number of different ways - some of which may not seem serious, but still promise the potential of an arrest.

What is Stalking?

Stalking is essentially any behavior that becomes oppressive or frightening toward and against the will of the victim. The law takes stalking seriously because such obsessive behaviors are often associated with violence and even homicide.

With friends, family, and acquaintances, simple acts such as following, waiting, calling, emailing, leaving written notes, text messages, leaving objects, and video taping could be considered normal social behavior. However, these behaviors become crimes when the individual to whom they are directed has made it clear that such acts are unwanted.

If you need assistance with a criminal stalking charge in Rhode Island, contact Criminal Defense Attorney John E. MacDonald at (401) 421-1440 for a free consultation and more information.

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